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What is an ENT?

An otolaryngologist is a doctor who specializes in ears, noses and throats. Many otolaryngologists are known by the nickname of ENT physician which stands for Ears, Nose, and Throat. Otolaryngologists treat a variety of conditions like sinus headaches and ear infections, and can also perform surgeries for the specific issues.

What does an ENT specialize in?

ENTs choose to spend extensive fellowship training from an expert in this area. This is after their college training and residency placements. They use this time to learn about the special types of diseases that affect areas inside your nasal passages, ears and inside your throat. ENTs follow experts in the area of otolaryngology through this training to best serve the public because they become proficient in the cutting-edge technology and surgical approaches.

Otolaryngologists can examine patients to determine specific causes of symptoms like allergic reactions, hearing loss, reflux or even hoarseness. They treat in different ways like prescribing diet or behavioral modifications or prescribing medicine from a pharmacy.

If conditions are challenging, they can determine if a surgery is appropriate to treat those problems.

How do I get scheduled to see an ENT?

Most people are referred from their primary care physician to an otolaryngologist. This is because your doctor has listened to you, and thinks you would benefit from a more specialized examination that is not routine for a general physician.

ENTs take most insurances and prices can vary for visits and surgeries. It is important to determine if you need a referral in order to schedule with a specialist like an otolaryngologist because some insurance plans require this to cover the treatment.

It’s easy to call and determine this, and Expert ENT Care can guide you every step of the way. Call us today to schedule a consult for your issue.

Are you sure an ENT treats my issue?

Common conditions treated by ENTs include ear infections, vertigo and hearing loss. ENTs work closely with audiologists to evaluate and fit you for hearing aids too. Issues like runny nose, post nasal drip, and chronic sinus problems are also treated by otolaryngologists. Having issues with your tonsils or snoring? ENTs specialize in that too.

ENTs treat allergy issues and sinusitis with testing and sometimes surgeries. If you’re suffering from hoarseness, voice loss or reflux issues, otolaryngology doctors specialize in treatment for those issues as well.

How soon can I make my appointment?

If you’re experiencing a change with your ears, nose or throat in any way, seek evaluation and treatment from an otolaryngologist, like Dr. John Fewins, today!

