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Expert ENT Care for Your Ear, Nose, and Throat Health

Welcome to Expert ENT Care. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for all your ear, nose, and throat (ENT) concerns. Our highly trained ENT doctor can diagnose and treat acute and chronic issues using the latest technology and techniques to provide you with the best care. We offer an extensive list of ENT services in Fort Worth, TX for patients of all ages. Thank you for choosing us as your trusted ENT specialist. We aim to give our patients superior care with thorough evaluations and personalized treatment plans. To learn more or schedule an appointment, please give us a call today.

A Board-Certified Ear, Nose, & Throat Doctor for Your Needs

While you likely visit your go-to family doctor for annual check-ups and urgent care for illnesses, more frequent infections and issues may require more specialized care. Because ENT issues can be complex and affect many aspects of daily living, they require care from an experienced ear, nose, and throat doctor or otolaryngologist. ENT doctors treat head and neck problems, including the sinuses, voice box, ears, palate, and more. Our physician, Dr. John L. Fewins, MD, FACS, is board-certified in Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery. As such, Dr. Fewins is trained to diagnose and treat the full spectrum of ENT conditions, including any of the following:

Expert ENT Care specialist examining a man's throat in Fort Worth

In addition to these common conditions, ENT care may include treatment of more complex or rare head and neck disorders. We work closely with other medical specialists to offer expert care for our patients.

doctor looking at patient's ear

Complete ENT Care From a Compassionate Team

At Expert ENT Care, we look forward to helping you achieve optimal ear, nose, and throat health. Our ENT services in Fort Worth cover a wide range of medical treatments. Whether you’re experiencing a common issue or a more complex disorder, our team has you covered. Our adult and pediatric ENT care encompasses everything from surgical to non-surgical treatments. You can count on us for treating nose and throat disorders, allergy testing and treatment, in-office ENT procedures, treating chronic sinus problems, and more. We strive to create tailored treatment plans for each patient, considering your unique needs and concerns.

What Type of Treatment Is Provided by an ENT Doctor?

The type of treatment recommended by our ENT doctor will vary according to your specific condition and its severity. First, you can expect a thorough exam of your ears, nose, and throat to diagnose the cause of your issue. Dr. Fewins may prescribe antibiotics, steroids, or antihistamines to treat infections or allergies. For patients experiencing hearing loss, we offer audiology and hearing evaluations, as well as hearing aid fitting and programming, to improve your ability to hear and communicate with others. Depending on the circumstances, we may schedule diagnostic imaging, such as an MRI, to take a closer look. In cases where more invasive treatment is necessary, such as tonsillitis or a neck tumor, Dr. Fewins may perform surgery.

When to See Your Local ENT Specialist for Treatment

You likely know an ENT doctor can treat sinus headaches or your children for chronic ear infections. But did you know these specialists are also highly skilled surgeons? An ENT specialist can complete very delicate operations to restore hearing, open blocked airways, or remove cancer in the head, neck, or throat. If you’re experiencing any persistent symptoms related to your ears, nose, or throat affecting your quality of life, it may be time to seek Expert ENT Care. See us for effective diagnosis and treatment if you’ve encountered any of the following signs of discomfort:

  • Chronic ear pain or infections
  • Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing
  • Persistent headaches or dizziness
  • Difficulty swallowing or speaking
  • Changes in your hearing or balance

Maintain Your Ears, Nose, & Throat Health With Check-Ups

We can perform simple in-office procedures and more complex surgeries to treat various ENT issues at Expert ENT Care. Many of these procedures help prevent recurring problems, such as sinus infections, sore throats, and ear infections. We’re dedicated to improving your overall health and well-being and look forward to providing you with the highest quality patient care. We would be honored to be your preferred local ENT specialist. Keep your ears, nose, and throat in check with regular check-ups, and don’t hesitate to seek urgent medical attention if you experience any concerning symptoms. Please schedule an appointment to have your ENT concerns evaluated today at our Fort Worth office.

Find Relief from Acute and Chronic ENT Conditions