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Improve Your Quality of Life With Expert ENT Care

Hearing loss is a common condition affecting people of all ages. Sometimes, it occurs so gradually that you may not notice it until it becomes severe. Untreated hearing loss can greatly impact your quality of life. If you’ve experienced any hearing issues, the Expert ENT Care team is here to help. We provide comprehensive audiology services to diagnose and treat many conditions affecting your hearing. We can also program and fit hearing aids in our Fort Worth, TX office. Our hearing aid doctor remains up-to-date on all the latest technology to offer advanced hearing loss solutions. Don’t ignore the signs of hearing loss. Schedule an appointment with our friendly, knowledgeable team today.

Expert ENT Care specialist showing a patient a hearing aid's features using a mirror in Fort Worth

What Are Signs You Could Be Experiencing Hearing Loss?

The American Academy of Audiology estimates more than 36 million Americans have hearing loss to some degree. Hearing loss isn’t always age-related. Other causes include exposure to loud noises, earwax build-up, bone growths or tumors, genetics, and illnesses leading to inner ear damage. It may be time to schedule an appointment with a hearing doctor (or audiologist) if you or a loved one have noticed some of these tell-tale signs of hearing loss:

  • Difficulty understanding conversations, especially in noisy environments
  • Frequently asking others to repeat themselves
  • Repeatedly turning up the volume on the radio or TV
  • Difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds, such as the doorbell ringing
  • Feeling as if others are mumbling whenever they speak
  • Withdrawal from social gatherings and activities because of difficulty hearing

What to Expect When You Visit the ENT

Hearing loss can be classified as mild, moderate, severe, or profound. Types of hearing loss include conductive, sensorineural, and mixed. Conductive hearing loss may be medically or surgically treated and reversed, while sensorineural hearing loss is typically irreversible. An audiologist will perform a thorough hearing test and evaluation to diagnose the extent of your hearing loss and recommend the best hearing loss solutions. These evaluations usually involve a series of tests to assess your ability to hear and understand speech, as well as your overall ear health. Depending on the type and severity of hearing loss you’ve experienced, an audiologist may suggest getting fitted for a hearing aid.

Your hearing aid doctor will recommend various types and styles of hearing aids based on your needs. Once you’ve chosen a hearing aid, we will fit it to your ear. Your doctor will make any necessary adjustments to ensure comfort and optimal performance. Most hearing aids come with a trial so you can test the device and provide feedback to your audiologist for further adjustments. Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to ensure your hearing aid continues to work effectively.

Comprehensive Audiology treatment at Expert ENT Care in Fort Worth, Texas

Comprehensive Audiology Services for the Fort Worth Community

If you’ve encountered any of the warning signs of hearing loss, you’ll want to seek professional diagnosis and treatment from a qualified hearing doctor. Regular check-ups with an audiologist can help you maintain good hearing health, manage existing issues, and prevent future problems. You should have your hearing checked at least every 1-2 years or more frequently if you experience any changes in your hearing. Early detection of hearing loss can lead to early intervention and prevent further deterioration. Our Fort Worth office offers the following audiology services for patients of all ages:

  • Hearing evaluations
  • Consultations, evaluations, and fittings of hearing aids
  • Hearing aid repairs
  • Hearing protection

Why See Expert ENT Care for Hearing Loss Solutions?

The Expert ENT Care team is committed to providing every patient a high level of care. As a full-service ear, nose, and throat practice, we can arrange a same-day hearing test during your appointment with Dr. John L. Fewins, MD, FACS. Not only is Dr. Fewins specially trained in hearing health-related treatments, but he’s also a capable surgeon. Let our experienced, compassionate team help you restore your confidence and ability to hear through our personalized approach to patient care. If you’re a new patient to our practice, view our patient resources to see what paperwork to bring.

Make an Appointment to Discuss Your Hearing Health Today

If you have difficulty hearing, trying to communicate with others can become frustrating. Don’t let hearing loss put a strain on your lifestyle and relationships. At Expert ENT Care, our team has experience diagnosing and treating various hearing disorders. We can also fit patients with the latest hearing aid technology, helping ease hearing loss’ impact on your daily life. Should you have any hearing health-related questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule an appointment. It’s essential to consult a hearing doctor for a thorough evaluation and potential treatment options.

Find Relief from Acute and Chronic ENT Conditions