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Trust Expert ENT Care for Head & Neck Surgery & More

Maintaining good head and neck health is vital to your overall well-being. Any head and neck issues can significantly impact your quality of life. An ENT specialist can treat almost any problem from the neck up, including performing head and neck surgeries to remove tumors, neck masses, and other growths. At Expert ENT Care, we provide head and neck treatment and surgery for Fort Worth, TX patients of all ages. We utilize the latest diagnostic equipment to identify issues quickly to develop personalized treatment plans. Our office is equipped to provide biopsies and advanced video-enabled evaluations to get a clear view of what’s causing your issues. Reach out to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Expert ENT Care specialist examining a woman's neck in Fort Worth

An ENT Specialist Can Help If You Have Head & Neck Pain

ENT doctors play a critical role in diagnosing and treating head and neck cancer, as well as other conditions causing acute or chronic neck or head pain. Common head and neck conditions include ear infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis, allergies, vertigo, tinnitus, and headaches. Vertigo issues could be the sign of an inner ear condition that may be treated with physical therapy and rehab, while severe headaches could be caused by anything from acute sinusitis to a brain tumor. Depending on the cause, ENT headache treatment may include allergy medications or decongestants.

However, head and neck cancer are also major health concerns. According to the American Cancer Society, about 65,000 new cases of head and neck cancer are diagnosed annually in the United States. Treatment options for head and neck cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. If your condition warrants surgery, ENT specialists are trained in various procedures, ranging from sinus surgery to tonsillectomy, thyroid/parathyroid surgery, laryngectomy, tracheostomy, and tumor removal.

Doctor checking  patient Masses & Tumors in Fort Worth, Texas

Thorough Surgical Procedures to Remove Masses & Tumors

Many head and neck conditions can be treated without surgery. However, when surgery is needed, you can trust Dr. John L. Fewins, MD, FACS and the entire Expert ENT Care team for comprehensive, compassionate care. Whether you came to us or were referred to us by your primary care physician, we treat all patients with the utmost respect and care. We’ll take the time to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have about the procedure. We can perform surgical procedures to address any of the following medical conditions affecting the head and neck:

  • Head or neck masses
  • Full or partial removal of thyroid or parathyroid
  • Salivary tumors
  • Any head or neck cancer
  • Skin cancer

Diagnosing Head & Neck Cancer for Fort Worth-Area Patients

Head and neck cancers affect the tissues and organs in your head and neck region, including the mouth, throat, nose, sinuses, salivary glands, thyroid, and lymph nodes. Regular screenings for early detection are crucial for successful head and neck cancer treatment. ENT specialists use various diagnostic techniques to identify the presence of cancerous cells in the head and neck region, including:

  • Physical Exams – An ENT specialist will examine your head, neck, mouth, nose, throat, and lymph nodes for any signs of abnormalities or lumps.
  • Imaging Tests – We may order X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, or PET scans to get a detailed view of the head and neck to identify any tumors or abnormal growths.
  • Endoscopy – This procedure involves using a thin, flexible tube with a camera attached (endoscope) to examine the inside of your nose, throat, and other head and neck areas.
  • Biopsy – A small tissue sample is taken from any suspicious head and neck areas for further testing to confirm a cancer diagnosis.

Head and neck cancer symptoms can vary, but if you’ve experienced swelling or lumps, difficulty swallowing or breathing, a persistent cough or sore throat, chronic sinus or ear infections, nosebleeds, or hearing loss, consult an ENT specialist for further evaluation.

Gentle, Professional Care From an Experienced ENT Team

You can trust the Expert ENT Care team for the specialized head and neck treatment you need for the best possible outcome. We understand the discovery of a mass or tumor can be stressful, so we will walk you through the process to ease any worries or concerns. As an experienced head and neck doctor, Dr. Fewins is here to answer questions. Once your procedure is completed, we’ll provide follow-up care to ensure no problems arise and you’re on the road to recovery. Check out our testimonials and patient resources for more about what to expect during your first appointment.

Have Head or Neck Pain? Schedule an Appointment Today!

Just like any other part of the body, your head and neck need regular check-ups. It’s important to be aware of any changes or issues and take action to address them as soon as possible. Should you have persistent neck or head pain or discomfort, see your primary care physician or an ENT specialist to diagnose and treat any underlying issues. Seeking medical attention when needed and taking preventive measures can help you maintain your head and neck health. Please get in touch with our office today with any questions or concerns or to schedule an appointment with our caring ENT team.

Find Relief from Acute and Chronic ENT Conditions